August 15, 2019.
I bet the economy does some weird fuckin flips when aliens invade.
---0021 - Early February, 2019.
In alternating panels, we see KIM in some kind of office, presumably where she works, and NOE in some kind of performance space, at group therapy.
NOE: This is my, uh, first time at group.
KIM'S BOSS: We have to pick a corner to cut, and, well, I'm... When your contract ends...
NOE: I'm... Noe, you might have... seen my face, on TV.
KIM flips off her boss, walking away from his office as he looks at her through a glass door.
NOE: I thought I was okay, but then, the other day, someone who, like, just a stranger on the street. All it took was one wrong word.
KIM looks annoyed, and is holding a box of her personal belongings.
NOE, crying: I'm not okay.